(i) There will be two semesters in each academic year, Fall and Spring of 19 weeks each. The commencement of the semesters is regulated in the light of an approved Academic Calendar.
(ii) There will also be a summer session of 8 to 10 weeks duration as part of an academic year, and shall be optional. Students who wish to pass ‘F’ grade(s) and to improve ‘D’ grade(s) course(s) may enroll in summer session in the courses offered. It shall not count towards residential requirements. A course to be offered in summer requires minimum of 10 students to enroll. However, on special permission from Vice Chancellor, minimum of 5 students can enroll a course in summer, but they will submit the fee equivalent to 10 students.(Explanation: Out of 19 weeks, 16 weeks shall be the actual teaching time, the rest may be utilized for admission, conduct of examinations, preparation and declaration of results etc.